Minnieville Elementary has developed a dismissal system for car rider students for the 2022-23 school year to ensure the maximum safety of our students, and to help our car rider line run more effectively during times of inclimate weather. Each student who will dismiss from school as a car rider will be assigned a number. The number will be attached to the student’s book bag and given to you to display in your vehicle window. Students may ONLY leave school with a person who has the matching number otherwise they will need to be signed out in the front office. Below are the basic rules and procedures for this system. All students will be required to have their number attached to their book bag, and displayed in their vehicle window beginning on Monday, August 29. Please take time to review the policies and procedures listed below.

1. Keep your number in the right hand (passenger side) window. The number will match the child/children with the responsible party.

2. Remain in your vehicle, please do not leave your vehicle when in the car rider line. This keeps traffic moving by allowing us to load children promptly.

3. Wait patiently when you see your child lined up, please do not walk up to the car rider line to get your child. If you walk up to the car rider line, your child will not be released to you.

4. Remain in the line and please refrain from driving around other cars unless directed.

5. AM drop off: We will only use the right lane during drop off. Children must be dropped off next to the curb in the morning, we will only have one line in the AM. Please pull ALL the way up to the top of the hill next to the street light to allow space for several cars.

6. PM pick up: We will use both lanes during pick up. The right lane (next to the yellow curb) in the afternoon will pull all the way up to the street light. The left lane (next to the stairs) will stop right before the cross walk.